GSLC fosters a nurturing environment for youth by emphasizing

  • the importance of regular worship: Regular worship attendance fosters resilient youth relationships, both interpersonal and with the campus as a second home.

  • comprehensive involvement in community and social justice activities: GSLC believes youth learn the way of Christ by living the way of Christ.

GSLC also recognizes the pace and fatigue of family life and that youth faith formation too often relies on gendered labor. Given these priorities and capacities, GSLC offers the following opportunities for kids.


Sunday Morning Children’s Church and Choir

Open to kids of all ages during Sunday Worship, Children's Church creates space for kids to connect, engage God's word at an age-appropriate level, and have fun. Children’s Church lessons correspond with Sunday Worship Readings to encourage family connection and conversation. Activities include crafts, Kid’s Choir practice, and games. Kids and their leaders leave the sanctuary before the First Reading and return in time for Communion.

Wednesday Evening Youth Group

Middle school through high school Youth Group meets Wednesday from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Though the group is mostly for fun—Dungeons & Dragons, hide-and-seek, bowling, movies—group members check in with highs and lows, providing support. High school ONLY meets monthly for "bucket list" activities and service projects.


Families Gathering

Families gather monthly after Sunday Worship for activities designed to build relationships and a sense of belonging, offer mutual aid, and deepen faith identity. 2024 Families Gathering themes thus far include Mardi Gras, a percussion workshop, and an Easter Egg Hunt. The remaining 2024 Families Gathering dates are as follows:

  • May 19th

  • June 2nd

  • July 14th

  • August 25th

  • September 8th

  • October 6th

  • November 3rd

  • December 1st

  • January 5th

Queer Camp

Queer Camp is a unique opportunity for LGBTQIA+ youth to let loose and have fun in an inclusive setting where they feel safe, celebrated, loved, and valued by each other and their community. Queer Campers may be who they are without fear of judgment. 

GSLC hosts Queer Camp 2024 July 8th through 12th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.