
Hosted Climate Change Sunday: On June 29th, 2024, GSLC welcomed author of Future of Denial: The Ideologies of Climate Change, Tad Delay, to speak about his book followed by a strategy workshop. See the event pamphlet “What we can do.”

Diverted Food Waste: In partnership with the City of Fayetteville Food Waste Reduction Program, diverted over four tons of food waste, reducing over 21 tons of greenhouse gases in Q2 2024.

Generated Renewable Energy: As of October 2023, GSLC’s Good Neighbor Solar Array of 252 panels had generated 532 MWh of renewable energy, saving $58,520.

Implemented Paperless Practices: Initiated paperless worship and correspondence beginning in 2022.

Addressed ELCA’s Climate Policy: Developed and adopted a response to perceived shortcomings in the ELCA’s social statement, "Earth's Climate Crisis."

Launched the 2030 Climate Sanctuaries Movement, calling for:

  • Participant congregation energy audits and net carbon neutrality by 2030.

  • Establishment of the ELCA Climate Caucus.

  • ELCA annual budget allocation of 10% to fund participant congregation efforts.


Net carbon neutrality by 2030.